Camp Byng - Registration open
Post date: Mar 29, 2013 4:19:42 PM
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Families Welcome
The Camp Byng program for Cubs, Beavers and families includes all food, accommodation, games,
crafts, activities, outdoor education and a Wilderness Survivor theme – we hope to see you all there.
(Sunshine Coast near Gibsons)
May 10-12, 2013
Camp Byng
Pacific Spirit AreaAll Sections Camp 2013
Payment can be made via MasterCard, Visa, or cheque (cheques not accepted for late registrations).
The cost for Beavers, Cubs, and Siblings prior to April 14th is $65.00 ($55.00 for Parents).
There is no charge for Uniformed Leaders who assist with the coordination of the camp.
All registrations are being done on-line again this year at
Early registration is available until April 14th and includes a $16 discount.
Please register by April 26th at the latest as there will be a late registration fee after this date.