Welcome - Sept 2014
Post date: Sep 10, 2014 2:16:18 AM
Welcome and thank you for coming.
I’m Simon and my cub name is Akela which stands for old Wolf. This is the parent meeting portion of tonights program
We also have Rosanne & David as primary leaders, Charles and Gordon will be joining us shortly
Leadership Opportunities
Any of you who are interested in joining us in a formal leader capacity are most welcome also. I it would be great to see another leader from our joining first years as we our cognizant of program continuity.
One of the foundations of cubs is the “jungle book story”
This is where we get all our names and it is the basis for many of our programs. Those of you joining us from Beavers, this is essentially the same as the Friends of the Forest book used as a basis in Beavers. (both Kipling)
What do I need
Cubs should come to each meeting with their shirt and necker. For the first years, they have a special title of tenderpad and won;t have a necker until after they are invested in the group.
I also recommend the Cub Book (also available at the Scout Store), which documents all the aspects of the Cub Scout promise and motto and all the various badges.
We operate the program so that as a group we complete the requirements for 2 stars each year. That way by the end of cubs, they will have received all 6 stars. This year we will be working on Black and Purple. Generally we only give out stars on a group basis. Cubs are encouraged to work on badges individually. At each meeting cubs can hand in a badge form and be tested to receive that badge. Cooking and Home helper are often a cubs first two badges.
We also tend to do some of the more difficult badges or more unique ones at the meetings or camps, i.e. space exploration and winter cubbing
I will email out a link to the form.
Cub Kars
We will participate in the cub car program again this year. We will give you notice and wanted to advice that we will provide each cub with a car to craft for the race.
Code of Conduct
We have four cornerstones we like to think about when we are at cubs.
Leadership, responsibility, respect and community.
From these cornerstones we work on the kids working well and playing well with one another.
In terms of a code of conduct, we focus on a motto of "safe, fun, fair". We will be running a meeting in a few weeks where we have the cubs create their own code of conduct.
Pick up and drop off: we start at 6:45 and we end at 8:15. We are available briefly at the start of the meeting to accept any forms and badges and again at the end of the meeting for any questions.
We collect “bones” in the amount of $1 each week to offset consumable expenses.
We are thrilled to have you stay and chairs are available, if you are wanting to join in a more formal leader capacity that’s great too.
We require a signed code of conduct and completion of the C&YS training for any parent wishing to participate in an overnight activity. I will send these in email.
3 camps per year normally.
The first camp is in Oct in Langley; winter camp usually in jan...
byng which you may have attended as beavers...
Typically we have one adult per child for camps for first years and a designated adult for 2nd years.
For the parents to attend there is a code of conduct to sign + child and youth safety
Apple day:
We sell apples at various locations around dunbar to raise money.
Coordination help with this is much appreciated.
Manure Sale
Our major fundraiser is our manure sale... one weekend of work and we make several thousand dollars for each section.
Automated email: set up for everyone so that we can broadcast easily what’s happening within the pack. Also have a website www.dunbar25scouts.org