Scouts - March & April events
Post date: Mar 28, 2014 8:18:32 PM
Hello Scout families.
Hope everyone had a great spring break. The leaders are ready to resume our meetings and get into some excellent spring events.
March 31 – regular meeting. Floor hockey, knots, lashing poles together to build a shelter and show of awesome crest collections by two of our scouts.
Saturday, April 5 – Tree Planting. 10 am in North Van. Each youth will plant 10 to 15 tree seedlings. The day is an excellent opportunity for youth to get outdoors and participate in an environmental project that is done by scouts across Canada. The North Shore scouts supply hot dogs, drinks, trees & badges. We provide the person power and bring our own shovels. Scouts and parents are welcome. We need to let the organizer know, by April 2, how many people are attending, so please let me know ASAP whether or not you will be attending.
April 07 – full uniform meeting.
Saturday, April 12 – Night Hike. Another annual highlight of the scouting year! This is a hike through Pacific Spirit Park that begins at 7 pm and goes until 3 or 4 am! The scouts walk about 12 km of trails and along the way they complete such challenges as knots, first aid, teamwork, skit performances, a dance contest, air band rock show, eat hot dogs and drink lots of hot chocolate. We have taken patrols on this hike over the past few years and it is great fun! Many scouts are interested in this event. Will your scout attend?
We also need parent helpers. 1-2 people are required from 5-9 pm to assist with registration and another 1-2 people from 6-9 am to pack up and stow gear. Can you assist?
April 14 – regular meeting.
April 21 – no meeting due to Easter holiday.
Upcoming events:
· April 28 & May 5 – regular meetings
· May 9 to 11 – Camp Byng?
· Date to be determined – light weight camp?
Yours in Scouting.